Allah menguji ummatnya dgn pelbagai dugaan..
Aku & family xpernah terkecuali….
Aku berharap sgt yg setiap dugaan tu, aku tabah
Sepatutnya, aku ngan yg laen perlu bersyukur…or perlu SGT SGT SGT bersyukur…
Kenape?sbb ade org laen yg lebih susah dr aku…
Lebey susah dr family aku..
At my new place, new area…there are new situation too…
Its not about only new thing dat I’ve learnt here…
New life toooo…
Kt sini..its a bit different..
MERU=RAWANG (kire urban la
kire kt kg area tp yg dah diurbanisasikan…
Telok Panglima Garang…
still suci murni lg lr…
only dat the road are very2 busy early morning…can say hectic jugak ler
Tp still xleh leh compare ngan Perak esp area Tapah…
ni mmg maseh kampong sgt..Bt Gajah…and bidor oso
Org2 kt sini very humble & low profile…
some of em still ortodox…
and kalau derang susah…
they are really2 susah..
When we say “ Xde duet”
which mean in our bank still got at least RM200 but they are not…
they really mean it…
Derang sgt berjimat…
Im’ sure, even though they dun have enaf money, they have the real happiness yg kite org byk duet ni xde…
Smua org bley byk duet…tp xsmua org ade happiness…
So Guys…
Appreciate wut u have…
Dun ever2 mgeluh…sbb once kite mgeluh..
Allah akan tarik satu per satu nikmat kite…
last saturaday...aku curik2 mase g mcD jap...lepas tgk mak gak...
schedule aku ari2..tgk mak kt spital...
thanx to shalwa &fatiew sbb sudi gak melawat mak aku kt spital smlm..shal..thanx byk2..
thanx to alif & basha too..wpon si alip bwak kacang(padahal die tau mak aku batuk)tp kacang tuh aku yg abeskan...
thax to smua gak yg doakan mak aku sembuh...aku tau..korang smua mendoakan di kejauhan...
5 ulasan:
smoga cepat sembuh ye macik.. :)
thanx ra...
mak aku da blk da...
mintak maaf sbb tak dpt jenguk kat spital walopon dekat..aku ade perkare haram yg berat yg perlu ditangani sory ye caki n atun
aku jugek turut mendoakan.. :)
its ok...
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