yup yup...its a bukit Larut...DOlu...mase 2006, xsempat nk g sini mase tuh...itu adalah kerana ada sbb2 tertentu yg xdpt dielakkan...
Tema: BErjalan Sapai Lebam,..(aku lupe la temanyer...)
Objective: 1. Cari ape jua activity secara spontan
2. Cari SNA, MBA, PNA...
3. Jln2 Carik Pasal
Gerak mlm lepas g kenduri Ati...pastu....gerak terus ke Perak...hahaha..aku xsdar sbb stat jer masok kete..SUya drive...aku terus melelapkan mata..bermimpikan mimpi2 indah...yg xberapa nk indah tuh...
Tema: BErjalan Sapai Lebam,..(aku lupe la temanyer...)
Objective: 1. Cari ape jua activity secara spontan
2. Cari SNA, MBA, PNA...
3. Jln2 Carik Pasal
Gerak mlm lepas g kenduri Ati...pastu....gerak terus ke Perak...hahaha..aku xsdar sbb stat jer masok kete..SUya drive...aku terus melelapkan mata..bermimpikan mimpi2 indah...yg xberapa nk indah tuh...
ye..kt atas nih..ade satu cafe...Cendana Cafe Namenye..the price still reasonable(kitorg mkn bekpes)...sumhow d taste (especially meehun..) a bit ridikeles...
besh makan kt atas ni..mcm omputih skek...
scandal of d day...
any1 looking for men?
kitorg naek bukit tuh...naek Jeep trak nih...yg belah kanan...
turun naek yg kaler biru..
abg driver tuh garang...pastu bwak laju giler...
seram woooooooooooooo...
turun naek yg kaler biru..
abg driver tuh garang...pastu bwak laju giler...
seram woooooooooooooo...
kt sane..bukan pakcik cafe cendana tuh ajer yg baek hati and ramah...
abg Polis ni pon baek...die sik pandang kitorg jer,,,
last2 die pon tego:
die ckp die kene ronda sorg2..die bosan..die tya kitorg dr mane..tdo mane...
pastu die terkejut kitorg tdo dlm kete...ponpelik tabahnye kitorg...
tp...ayat last die ialah:
Sy selalu g KL..seminggu skali..
maybe die nih slalu g Bukit Aman kot...
To conclude: Org Perak smuanye ramah and baek hati ...MBA, PNA...smua nyer aek2 belaka....ramah&prihatin...
Kejo Yeop Kejo!!!
4 ulasan:
buttaa...where are all the cute guys go?
They went to KL aaaa...looking for us..
pehhh..best best..
no cute guysssssssssssss...dets not so altimet tau!!hmphhh.overall it wass awesome!
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