Long hiatus nampaknya...apekan daya, sejak beranak 3 ni, lain macam die punya bizi.
Latest Update,
Fareeq Mikhael:
He's 6 years old now(5 years 4months to be exact)
Sekolah di Little Caliph.
Pot pet pot pet.
Kenot stop talking if he's awake.
Semakin bijak and abang² sangat.
Dukung Qaseh yg lebih berat dr die.
Jaga Baby Firdaus yg asik nages.

Fitrah Qaseh Ayuni:
She's now 4years old (3 years & 5months to be exact)
Pelat S (replace S dgn T)
taya(saya), tutu (susu), tapa(siapa)
20kgs sekarang(xdaya nak dukung dah)
down with eczema since 1 1/2 year. (she's recovering now)
Suka jual barang
Suka sepah barang
Suka Makan
Suka merajuk
sangat comel(pada pandangan mata ibu die)
He's 1year old(to be exact 4months)
Down with eczema after 3months jab.
Follow up with dermatologist at HTAR because I can't afford to send him to DR.KO or ranjit OR
any derm
will bring him to homeopathy soon
His face? Like the daddy?like the brother?

harap bleh update lagi nnt